We have designed this Rainbow Bank to help Kiddies play better with our Matching Activity Sets!
This will automatically be included for FREE with a minimum purchase of 3 Matching Activity Sets in one order.
You may also purchase this binder folder as an Add-On if you're only getting 1-2 Matching Sets.
You can use the Rainbow Bank in the following ways:
1. Secure the puzzle pieces before the start of each activity. Prevents it from lying all around the place.
2. Use as an Answer Sheet for mini games/quizzes, Eg.
a. I Spy
I Spy... the Alphabet R! Can you help me find the letter R and place it here?
I Spy... the shape, Circle! Can you find the circle and place it here?
b. Sorting
Let's find everything Orange!
Which are the animals you can find in the Zoo?
c. Mini Race Challenge
Place a few random puzzle pieces on the rainbow bank and get Kiddies to place it on the correct activity sheet and place by the count of 10.
d. Bilingual Keywords Matching
Place the English/Chinese Keywords on the puzzle and let Kiddies match the keywords on the other language beside it.