Let’s learn to count Money! Kiddies will be able to experience and deal with monetary transactions through this activity. The currencies are designed similarly to Singapore denominations so they relate and apply the same local money values. Best played with our Themed Play Sets!
This Set Includes:
- $100 Monies in Notes & Coins
- 1 x Credit Card
- 1 x CC Terminal
- 1 x Marker
- 1 x A6 Pouch
- 4 x 5 cents coin
- 6 x 10 cents coin
- 6 x 20 cents coin
- 6 x 50 cents coin
- 5 x $1 coin
- 5 x $2 note
- 2 x $5 note
- 2 x $10 note
- 1 x $50 note
- Laminated Sheet Cut Outs
* Ikea Cash Register Is Not Included